Choosing your image:
As you already know we chose the Raspberry Pi computer as our central platform for our Controls and Communication system. After choosing the board we needed to set it up with the capabilities we wanted.

This site explains how to mount an RPi image onto an SD fairly well.
After uploading the image to an SD card we plugged into the Raspberry Pi and started configuring it to match the settings that we wanted.
Creating a static IP Address:
To allow us to download different packages from the internet for various different programs we wanted to run the Raspberry Pi needed to be connected to the internet and automatically connect to our network on boot; it also needed a static IP address so sshing wireless could be done effortlessly. By following the directions in this video creating a static IP, whether for your ethernet or wireless access, is easy. We use this static IP later to connect through Real VNC. By following the steps above you can also setup a Raspberry Pi in a few minutes.
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